Tuesday, November 07, 2006
In the Legal News
Kigali Bar Association (KBA, Rwanda set to join the East African Law Society. At the recent East African Law Society conference the KBA applied to join the EALS which consists of the Three East African countries Bar Associations and the Zanzibar Law Society. The members of EALS resisted the move by the council to increase the subscriptions to USD 50 from USD 20 citing the move would strain the young lawyers who were already paying too much in their respective Bar Associations. Tom Ojienda is the new President of the EALS from Kenya. The presidency of the EALS is rotational and every country that is a member of EALS has a chance to nominate a candidate for presidency. In other news The Law Society of Kenya is currently in the election mode with the current council’s term expiring in March next year. Among the person’s contesting for the chairmanship of the LSK is Kamotho Waiganjo who is currently a council member. The leadership of the LSK is slowly turning to an Up-country vs Nairobi lawyers contest. With upcountry lawyers claiming that Nairobi lawyers are very biased against them and do not consider them as equally good lawyers. That may be a hot issue still in these elections. |
posted by Shiroh Kamau at 11:41 AM