Tuesday, March 27, 2007
On Saturday the LSK held its Annual General Meeting which in my view was well attended. The AGM is quite a tense one because it is the time the members get to know the Chairman of the Society. Most motions were shot down or deferred. One that was particularly interesting is the motion to have a 1/3 of the elected members of the council to be women. I am of the view that though affirmative action helps, it should really not apply to learned members of the society. Getting to be a member of LSK is work itself, surely only presenting oneself for voting. Nevertheless the motion was shot down, though eventually 1/3 of the elected members of the society were women. The Chairman of the LSK this year is Eric Okongo Mogeni. What the papers did't say was that as sooon as he was announced Chairman, all lawyers stormed out in protest. Wonder who elected him in the first place. The Ojienda chairmanship has been viewed largely as a failure. It is been largely felt that the LSK chair should abstain from matters which are clearly political. Kenyans have MPs but issues pertaining to the profession have been left largely unattended while the Chair comments on everything political. Lets give the Mogeni man a chance though. |
posted by Shiroh Kamau at 10:33 AM

"All lawyers stormed out in protest"? Were you at the same AGM that I attended? If I remember correctly, the announcement of the Chairman was pretty much the final item on the agenda, whereafter only a few advocates (myself included) remained behind for the next meeting - The Advocates' Benevolent Association meeting which had nothing to do with the AGM?
Or does my memory fail me?